(1) Checking for corrosion on a control cable is
normally accomplished during the preventative maintenance check. During
preventative maintenance, broken wire and wear of the control cable are also
(2) If the surface of the cable is corroded,
carefully force the cable open by reverse twisting and visually inspect the
interior. Corrosion on the interior strands of the cable constitutes failure
and the cable must be replaced. If no internal corrosion is detected, remove
loose external rust and corrosion with a clean; dry, coarse weave rag or fiber
CAUTION: Do not use metallic wools or solvents
to clean installed cables.
Metallic wools will embed dissimilar metal
particles in the cables
and create further corrosion. Solvents will
remove internal cable
lubricant, allowing cable strands to abrade and
further corrode.
(3) After thorough cleaning of exterior cable
surfaces, if the cable appears dry, the lubrication originally supplied on the
cable has probably oxidized and needs to be replaced with a light oil (5w motor
oil, "3 in 1" oil, LPS-2, WD-40 or Diesel Fuel). Apply the oil with a
cloth and then rub
the cable with the cloth to coat the cable with
a thin layer of oil. Excessive oil will collect dust
and be as damaging to the cable as no
D. Piano Type Hinges.
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